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- Determine if a person could attend all meetings in given interval times.
- Find the volume of a volley ball
- Find the maximum score obtained at the end of colour chess grid game.
- Find the number of pairs if positive integers with condition is even.
- Return the largest subset such that every pair meets the given condition.
- Find the number of index triplets that satisfy given condition.
- Handling multiple queries using array – sum, update, range.
- Find all the sequences that occur more than once in DNA molecule.
- Find the biggest number.
- Sum of cube of each number is again equal to the number then it is an Armstrong number.
- Hello World.
- Calculate the Cube Root.
- Find the count of consecutive 1’s present in array.
- Return an array with athletes relative ranks according to the score.
- Return a string of its base 7 representation.
- Return kth largest element in sorted order.
- Reorder array such that arr[0] <= arr[1] >= arr[2] ….arr[n].
- Find all repeated elements in the array.
- Find atleast one duplicate number in the array.
- Find the maximum result of = a XOR b.
- Find the majority element appearing more than n/2 times
- Return an array of the squares of each number.
- Highest factor in addition.
- Find the empty packets(0) of chocolate and push it to the end of the conveyor belt(array).
- Every element in array appears twice.Find that single one.
- Find the duplicate letters in string. Same to do in dictionary way.
- Find minimum number of edits (operations) required to convert ‘str1’ into ‘str2’.
- Return the maximum number you can get by changing at most one digit.
- Sed Commands – Ranges of lines.
- Find the kth smallest element in the given 2D array.
- Find all elements that appear more than n/3 times.
- Write a function to return true if s2 contains the permutation of s1.
- Sort the array into a wave like array.
- Re-order array, such that
nums[0] < nums[1] > nums[2] < nums[3]...
- Given the coordinates, return true if the four points construct a square.
- Minimum Distance Between Words of a String.
- Return the shortest distance between these two words.
- Write a program to find the n-th ugly number.
- Check if array could become Non – Decreasing array.
- Find the minimum area of a rectangle that can be formed from given points.
- Convert Numbers into Roman Numerals
- Return the size of the longest sub-string
- Return all strings in words which is sub-string of another word in any order.
- Calculate the step by step sum of startValue plus elements in array.
- Find the minimum number of Fibonacci numbers whose sum is equal to k.
- Given a string s of zeros and ones, return the maximum score after splitting the string.
- Write a efficient functions to find floor of x.
- Print all numbers less than n which are having digits only 3 or 7 or both.
- Function that returns true if given array can be divided into pairs.
- Find the smallest element in the list that is larger than the given target.
- Print the First N prime numbers.
- The Chef’s Binary Tree.
- The minimum number of strikes he will have to make.(so that all his enemies have the same name)
- Sum of Natural Numbers.
- Sum of the Input.
- Find the Sum of the Series: 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + .. + 1/N.
- Split elements into even and odd list
- Python Program to Merge Two Lists and Sort it.
- Median of Three.
- Find the Largest Number in a List.
- Insert and Extend in list
- Interchange first and last number in list
- Print Odd Numbers in range
- Compare List in python
- Find whether the largest element in the array is at least twice as much as every other number in the array.
- Find minimum cost to reach the top of the floor
- Word Count in Python
- Lower case to upper case in python
- Display Time in python
- Sum of Odd And Even in Python
- Surface Area of Walls
- Find the sum of squares of individual digits
- Print the given series – 1 1 2 6 24
- Minimum number of steps required to reach destination.
- Seconds to Days Hours Minutes
- Program to remove add “Hyphen” character in the entered string
- Remove the nth Index Character from a Non-Empty String
- Relational operator Question
- Check whether all the given numbers lies in range of x and y.
- Find the Armstrong numbers between the given range.
- Alphabet pyramid
- Find prime numbers between lower and upper ranges
- Prime Factor
- Find the sum of positive even numbers
- An integer interval [a,b], Find the minimum size of a set S.
- Country A and B, how many years the population of A surpasses B.
- Identify pH level
- Find the Perfect Number
- Find out if a word is a palindrome or not
- Find next Palindrome of N number.
- The writing bot Question. A scientist has created a writing bot. Read and write activity needs to be captured.
- Total Number of Odds in the list
- Partition this string into as many parts as possible.
- Leap year
- LCM of two numbers
- Greatest of three numbers
- Find the Gravitational Force Acting Between Two Objects.
- Find the missing element in geometric progression
- Find the GCD Greatest common divisor
- convert a given float number to integer
- Armstrong Number
- Find the biggest even number
- Program to replace every element on right side
- Compute the frequency of the note
- Print all Possible Combinations from three Digits.
- Get number n and Compute n+nn+nnn
- Print Cube root of the given number
- Convert number into binary, octal and hexa
- Return maximum number of operations performed on array.
- Determine the encryption key
- Find the count of numbers having a prime number in their binary representation.
- Fibonacci Series up to given n numbers
- Help Alice find the route to her home
- Quantum Mechanics relation with quantum computing
- Unzipping Files using Python
- An Algorithm which accepts n integer values and calculates the average and prints it.
- How can Quantum Computing merge with Virtual Reality ? !
- Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. And their relations with Virtual Reality !!
- Convert seconds to hours – HMS format.
- Find out the tax amount of the bill with tip for the meal.
- Find the area of the pyramid.
- Find the area of triangle using heron’s formula.
- Find the interest and amount resided in the bank.
- Convert the travel days to years and months.
- Find the first three powers of N number.
- Compute the height from feet and inches to centimetres.
- Calculate the amount of interest earned in the bank.
- Find the ways they can choose the sequence of dummy statues.
- Find the Lapindrome strings.
- Classify the salary of a person.
- Find the day on providing the week number.
- Find the least number of marble stones needed to pave the square mall.
- Find the number of steps on chessboard performed to satisfy a condition.
- Find the time, hours and minutes the train was delayed.
- Find the quantity of food packets shared and available.
- Compute all Arithmetic Operations.
- Find the amount to pay for the electricity bill.
- Find the sum of numbers with three values after decimal point.