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Find the Gravitational Force Acting Between Two Objects.

Python Program to Find the Gravitational Force Acting Between Two Objects.
        First Line :Value of first mass
        Second Line:Value second mass
        Third Line: Distance between the centres of the masses

import math
mass1=int(input("Enter the mass of object 1: "))
mass2=int(input("Enter the mass of object 2: "))
dist=int(input("Enter the distance between objects: "))

GF=(((6.67*(10**-11))*mass1*mass2)/(dist**2)) #  gravitational constant = 6.67*10^-11

print("The GForce acting between 2 objects is {0:.2f} N".format(GF))

        Enter the mass of object 1: 1000000
        Enter the mass of object 2: 500000
        Enter the distance between objects: 20
        The GForce acting between 2 objects is 0.08 N

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