B.Tech students going to make their own higher studies application! The application must perform two types of operations:
add a name, where name is a string denoting a Student name. This must store the name as a new Studentin the application.
find partial, where partial is a string denoting a partial name to search the application for. It must count the number of Students starting with partial and print the count on a new line.
Given n sequential add and find operations, perform each operation in order.
It is guaranteed that name and partial contain lowercase English letters only.
The input doesn't have any duplicate name for the add operation.
The first line contains a single integer, n, denoting the number of operations to perform.
Each line i of the n subsequent lines contain an operation in one of the two forms defined above.
For each finds partial operation, print the number of Students' names starting with partial on a new line.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdbool.h> typedef struct node { bool isEOW; int count; struct node *letters[26]; }Trie; void h(){ printf("struct Node* children[26];"); } Trie *createNode() { int i; Trie *temp=malloc(sizeof(Trie)); temp->isEOW=false; temp->count=0; for(i=0; i<26; i++) { temp->letters[i]=NULL; } return temp; } Trie *insert(Trie *root,char *name) { int i; Trie *temp=root; for(i=0; name[i]!='\0'; i++) { if(root->letters[name[i]-'a']==NULL) root->letters[name[i]-'a']=createNode(); root=root->letters[name[i]-'a']; root->count++; } root->isEOW=true; return temp; } int main() { int i; long n; Trie* root=createNode(); scanf("%ld",&n); char a[5],name[22]; while(n--) { scanf("%s",a); scanf(" %s",name); if(strcmp(a,"add")==0) root= insert(root,name); else if(strcmp(a,"find")==0) { Trie *temp=root; for(i=0; i<strlen(name); i++) { temp=temp->letters[name[i]-'a']; if(!temp) { printf("0\n"); break; } } if(i==strlen(name)) printf("%d\n",temp->count); } } return 0; }
add kick
add kickman
find kic
find kan
add jac
add jackran
find jac
find ran
Morae Q!
- Find the length of the array’s longest increasing sub-sequence.
- Arrange numbers in a circle so that any two neighbouring numbers differ by 1.
- Find partial names and count the total numbers.
- Find the minimized sum of non-deleted elements of the array after the end of the game.
- Find the maximum number of good sleeping times optimally.
- Sort the elements of the array in the order in which they are required.
- Find the minimum number of flats, monkey needs to visit to catch ninjas.
- Convert the square matrix to matrix in Z form.
- Shift the K elements of each row to right of the matrix.
- Find maximum possible number of students in a balanced team with skills.
- Find the Maximum number of pairs of points you can match with each other.
- Calculate the number of non-empty good subarrays of given array.
- Transform the binary string A into the string B using finite operations.
- Find the number of potion must the character take to jump the hurdles.
- Count the total number of vowels and consonants.
- Return all elements of the matrix in spiral order.
- Return all palindromic paths of the matrix.
- Write the code to change the display in reverse order using pointer.
- Find the number of days the expedition can last.
- Find the minimum size of the sub-segment to make the array pairwise distinct.