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Month: March 2022

Asterisk (*) pattern in Java …FTC

Write a java program to display the following patterns. INPUT_1:Enter a number: 5 OUTPUT:************************* INPUT_2:Enter a number: 4 OUTPUT:**************** INPUT_3:Enter a number: 6 OUTPUT:************************************ INPUT_4:Enter…

Number Pattern in Java …FTC

Write a java program to display the following patterns. INPUT_1:Enter a number: 4 OUTPUT:4  3  2  1 4  3  2 4  3 4 INPUT_2:Enter a…

Decimal to Octal in Java …FTC

Java program to convert from decimal to octal. INPUT_1:Enter the Decimal Number: 123 OUTPUT:Octal Number is:  173 INPUT_2:Enter the Decimal Number: 25 OUTPUT:Octal Number is: …

Reverse the given number [Java] …FTC

Write a program to print reverse of a number of the given number. INPUT_1:Enter a number: 1234 OUTPUT:Reversed No:  4321 INPUT_2:Enter a number: 7859 OUTPUT:Reversed…

Concatenate Strings

Write a java program to print concatenated strings . You can + operator to concatenate strings and print it. INPUT_1:Enter the Strings: I am Fine…

 Get input using scanner

Write a Java program to allow the user to input his/her age. Then the program will show if the person is eligible to vote. A…