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Month: December 2020

Total Number of Odds in the list

N=int(input(“Enter the N number: “)) or you can use N=list(map(int,input(“Enter the N number: “).split())) you can use:N=list(map(int,input(“Enter the N number: “).split())) we will get Input/output…

Leap year

Most years have 365 days. However, the time required for the Earth to orbit the Sun is actually slightly more than that. As a result,…

LCM of two numbers

Input:         Number1: 4         Number2: 3Ouput:         Lcm of two numbers is 12 More Codes to Fcuk

Greatest of three numbers

Input: Get three integers of positive as well as negative.Output: Prints the greatest integer.This program can also be used for N number of inputs Input: …

Determine the encryption key

Write an algorithm to determine the encryption key.The input consists of an integer – numMessage, representing the numeric form of the message.The Output prints an…

Get number n and Compute n+nn+nnn

Program to Read a number n and Compute n+nn+nnn Output:Enter any number: 5155 Output:Enter any number: 101110 Output:Enter any number: 55169455 Output:Enter any number: 66291918…

Compute the frequency of the note

The following table lists an octave of music notes, beginning with middle C, along with their frequencies. Note Frequency (Hz) C4 261.63. Begin by writing…